Day One Podcast


Episode Summary

The Day One podcast – Insights Room 101 is hosted by Hannah Mann. Guests coming on the show describe three of their worst insight industry pet peeves and aim to convince Hannah to lock one of them away forever in Room 101, much like the popular British TV show. In the third episode, Kantar’s global CEO of Profiles - Caroline Frankum walks through three trends in insights culture that she despises. She describes each of the three and offers guidance toward how we could actually solve these problems. Listen to the full episode to find out which one got sent to Room 101?

Episode Notes

In the third episode, Kantar’s global CEO of Profiles - Caroline Frankum walks through three trends in insights culture that she despises. She describes each of the three and offers guidance toward how we could actually solve these marketing problems. The main pet peeves Caroline describes are the tendency to use old words to define a new world, the problem of impostor syndrome, and panel commoditization. For each of the three pet peeves, Caroline describes her own experience and offers reasons why the world of market research would be better without these evils.

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About - Caroline Frankum:

Caroline Frankum is the Global Chief Executive Officer of Profiles at Kantar. Her biggest passion is helping businesses to grow into more inclusive and equitable versions of themselves. She holds herself accountable for women and the disenfranchised in the corporate world. She is a champion of women in leadership, and she boasts many awards and great recognition for her achievements in workplace equality.

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The Day One podcast is published by the Day One Strategy and produced by Zorbiant.

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