Day One Podcast


Episode Summary

In this new season of the Day One podcast – Insights Room 101, our host Hannah Mann is joined by her new co-host Abigail Stuart, co-founder of Day-One Strategy. In Room 101, a guest describes three of their worst insight industry pet peeves and aims to lock one of them away forever in Room 101, much like the popular British TV show. Our guest on this episode is Hannah Marcus, cultural researcher and strategist. With her deep expertise in the taboo sector, Hannah provides insightful perspectives on the impacts of embarrassing and unspoken topics on individuals and society. Hannah joins us on The Day One podcast to share what things in the industry she’d like to see banished to Room 101 forever. The main pet peeves Hannah describes are: Sanitised Taboos, “Hard to Reach” demographics, the phrase “Divide and Conquer” and using social listening as a full solution. Hannah provides meaningful criticism during our conversation, and we hope you enjoy it. Listen to the full episode to find out which one got banished to Room 101 forever.

Episode Notes

Our guest on this episode is Hannah Marcus. Hannah is a cultural researcher and strategist with a deep expertise in the taboo sector and the ways embarrassing and the unspoken impact both individuals and society. 

Hannah joins us on The Day One podcast to share what things in the industry she’d like to see banished to Room 101 forever. The main pet peeves Hannah describes are: Sanitised Taboos, “Hard to Reach” demographics, the phrase “Divide and Conquer” and using social listening as a full solution. Hannah provides meaningful criticism during our conversation, and we hope you enjoy it. 

Key Quotes:

Key Topics

About – Hannah Marcus:

Hannah is a cultural researcher and strategist with a deep expertise in the taboo sector and the ways embarrassing and the unspoken impact both individuals and society. Her work includes explorations and investigations into global health taboos, foundational narratives of incontinence, erectile dysfunction, menopausal experiences, and the language of vaginal pain conditions. Her work on unmet needs in women's health won her the MRS Health Award in 2020, and she continues to explore taboo and hard-to-discuss topics in her role as a trustee at Talking Taboos, which is a charity designed to highlight the impact and solutions of taboos that affect mental and physical health.

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The Day One podcast is published by the Day One Strategy and produced by Zorbiant.

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